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Find Products to Sell


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find right products...
amazon > bestsellers, amazon > movers & shakers
1. markets - ex. golf
2. niches - ex. golf clubs
3. microniches - ex. (brand of) golf club
1. markets - ex. diapers
2. niches - ex. size 3 diapers
3. micro-niches - ex. pampers size 3 diapers
what to do...
1. set up 5 different blogs quickly ea. w/ different product
2. post blog & ping it
3. track & see how each blog does
4. build a site around the blog that does best
Position yourself in place before big product comes out...
find preorders
amazon > category > shipping options > release date delivery
google, search "pre-order" (in quotes)
1. find "pre-order" products w/ google
2. find searches w/ product w/ google keyword tool
3. find product in amazon
sell all digital (accessed through link) & downloaded

Create value in your product for your customers

Value is something that triggers people to take action, which creates momentum. You want to keep this buyer momentum going by providing more valuable information or products. The key is to provide products that are valuable enough that they buy from you.

to get on pg 1 of google easier which gets highly targeted traffic...
find keyword with this criteria (in amazon)...
- 1,000+ global mo. searches
- less than 500,000 competing organic pages
- 5+ adwords paid advertisers
- profitable paid search keywords for advertisers
- OCI .50+

find keyword with this criteria (in clickbank)...
- 50+ gravity
- $20+ commission

search keyword - phrase match = "keyword phrase" (in quotes)
- 2,500+ phrase match value
- 25,000 or less competing pages (at 1st), then try 50,000; 100,000, etc (for phrase match)


a market has to be reachable & profitable
a product has to have value to the customer

sell digital info products like e-books, e-course, membership sites, audio/video course, newsletter
how to find affiliate...
search in google: "keyword" + "affiliate", "keyword" + "associate"

how to find e-book...
search in google: "keyword" + "ebook"

Here are some places to find other people's products to sell

Affiliate Products

Free & low cost I.M. training from people who have succeeded at it
(note: about half way down the page, see "Mentors and their How to Training")

Resell Rights information products (Requires opt-in)

FREE products & I.M. Training ecourses (Requires opt-in)
=> To see what ecourses we have and what you can get when you subscribe, Click here!