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Work From Home  > Motivation

About Retirement

So, What can the average American look forward to at retirement?

"...Retirement doesn't mean you don't work. So many people take part-time jobs during retirement because they're bored, they want to contribute, not to be set out to pasture,...if we do something we love, the money will naturally follow."

As of year 2005...

At age 50:
75% of the population has less than $5,000 in the bank for retirement

Retirement age is 65

At age 65+, after 40 years of work:
96% are either dead or dead broke
95% can't afford to retire and will have to work until they die!!
79% have total assets of less than $35,000
75% have annual incomes of less than $30,000 per year
62% have annual incomes below $6,000
45% depend on relatives/are dependent on relatives
30% depend on charities/receive charity benefits
23% must keep on working to survive
2% are self sustaining, self sufficient, & financially free in retirement
1% are considerably wealthy

(note: these stats are from around the year 2005 or so, these figures will probably be even worse as time goes on.)

As of year 2014...

Social security earnings could be only...

At age 62 = $1,050/mo or less ($12,600/yr or less)

At age 66 = $1,400/mo or less ($16,800/yr or less)

At age 70 = $1,848/mo or less ($22,176/yr or less)

...This means the longer your wait to claim SSA benefits the more money your earn per month, but also, the less time you have to try to enjoy your retirement.

At you can estimate your Sec. Sec. earnings with a calculator...

me = $1,704/mo ($20,448/yr) (my working income is about $50,000/yr)

my wife = $701/mo ($8,412/yr) (my working income is about $10,000/yr)

...This means that socail security benefits are less than half of your preretirement income

Oh, yeah, your social security benefits are taxed also.


I heard you need to earn 70-80% of your preretirement income during retirement in order to have a comfortable retirement; now this is assuming you were living comfortable on the 100% of your income before you retired. If you weren't living comfortable before you will need more income than just social security income.


According to these statistics & from what is currently happening after people choose to retire,...people still have to work a JOB after they reach age 65. Most people can't afford to retire, so they work well into their 70's or longer! How does that sound? work 40+ years in the workforce hoping to retire at age 65 or so, but then you realize you can't afford to survive on government retirement. So you get a JOB & just keep working your JOB, which you hate, with not much hope of ever quitting or actually "retiring" from it. That is scary. Imagine working  40+ hours a week for 40-50 years of your life, for someone else, making someone else rich. While you are working this JOB you hate, you have no guarantee that you can ever retire and stop working a JOB. Isn't that disgusting?

But wait...

There is hope though. We don't have to rely on the government, family, or a JOB for our security during retirement. If we start now we can create a good financial future for ourselves.

We have some options that can better you hope for the future & better you chance at a healthy, happy retirement...Click here OR here.

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