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Take what Paul Zane Pilzner, economist,  said "...Wellness industry will be a $1 Trillion industry."

There is a need in the marketplace for nutrition.    

Why do we need nutrition and wellness?

Bad nutrition & Obesity leads to/can cause many diseases, including cancer, diabetes & strokes.

Obesity & it’s complications are a huge problem & worldwide epidemic, especially in N. America, it’s the #1 killer

Obesity is the #1 cause of preventable death, even above smoking

1980, 35% of N. Americans were overweight

From 1990 to 2006, there has been a lot more people who are overweight

More people are obese now (2008) than in the 1990s.

Today (2008), over 60% - 70% of N. Americans are overweight

2 of 3 (67%) U.S. adults are considered overweight.      
1 of 3 (33-34%) U.S. adults are considered obese.

"Today, over 66% (133.6 million) of Americans are overweight" - CDC

80-81% of Americans struggle with excess weight.

Estimated 70% of the population (marketplace) is overweight by 10-50 lb avg.
Estimated 90% of the population needs more energy.

9 million U.S. children & teens (ages 6–19) are overweight.

There are over 1.5 billion overweight people worldwide & over 300 million in U.S.

"By 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese." - World Health Organization

30% of all deaths worldwide each year occur from cardiovascular disease in which excessive weight & obesity was a factor.

400,000 people die each year from obesity & obesity related diseases
Obesity contributes to over 300,000 to 400,000 deaths per year.

65% of U.S. children exceed dietary guidelines recommended for fat intake/eat too much

1/3 of kids are at risk of developing Type 2 Adult Onset Diabetes, a disease once seen only in adults.

1 out of 4 children are clinically obese, & today’s children will be the 1st generation of Americans in 200 years to live shorter life-spans than their parents.

People are getting more obese because of their bad eating habits

In addition to just obesity issues, there are other health issues and stats are...

- 2.8 billion prescriptions are written each year
- 1.1 million deaths from health disease
- 770,000 deaths from cancer
- 18 million have diabetes
- 1 in 8 women develop breast cancer

People want to Look Better, Feel Better, & Have more Vitality.

#1 complaint heard by doctors is fatigue

How do I help solve this problem?

Some people try to eat healthier, which is good, but all they do is eat more fruits and vegetables. Only problem with this is that most fruits and vegetables are grown with chemicals and pesticides, and the environment is not as good as it was. This means that right now we will need to eat A LOT more servings of fruits and vegetables to get the same amount of nutrients we would have needed back in 1953 for example, when the environment was better and the crops of vegetables, fruits, etc were more pure and organic.

Some people try dieting!...but....after people achieve the weight goal they want, they usually gain it back and return to their previous weight, which is probably why dieting has a 98% failure rate.

Some people try weight loss surgery...but that is expensive and has risks.

Nutritional cleansing is what many doctors are suggesting now.  With this, you simply give the body the proper nutrition it needs, thus giving the body the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs to help itself to lose weight, lose body fat and inches, and even help improve its own immune system to help it combat illness, sickness and fatigue; which can make lead to your overall wellness and health also.

Are you interested in Nutritional Cleasing, and the products that you could change your body's health and wellness?

To hear more about these products, Click Here.

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5. Videos - short videos about all areas of our company (products, business opportunity, etc.)

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